Equivalent of Win-L on Mac [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Is there a keystroke that can lock the Mac OS X screensaver?

What is the equivalent of the shortcut Win + L on a Mac? Eg. the shortcut to lock the computer when you go away from it.

Solution 1:

A solution using Quicksilver (or any utility that can bind a keyboard shortcut to an AppleScript):

  • Create an AppleScript (using /Application/Apple Script/Script Editor.app), containing..

    do shell script "/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\\ Extras/User.menu/Contents/Resources/CGSession -suspend"
  • Save it somewhere (~/Library/Scripts/ maybe)

  • Open the Quicksilver preferences (open quicksilver and press Cmd+,)

  • Go to Triggers, click Add Hotkey (from the + button)

  • Find the script, make sure the action is "Run" and click save:

    enter image description here

  • Click the Trigger next to the new entry, and press the desired lock keyboard shortcut

Solution 2:

I was in the same position as yourself when moving from Windows to OS X. I originally posted this on my blog, but I'm re-posting here. It's not a key binding, but a case of moving your mouse to a corner of the screen which activates the screen saver and so locks your machine.

Fire up System Preferences and select Expose & Spaces.

System Preferences / Expose & Spaces

In there change one of the Active Screen Corners to Start Screen Saver. I've selected Bottom Left.

Active Screen Corners

Next go back to System Preferences and select Security.

System Preferences / Security

In Security, make sure the General tab is selected and then tick the top option of Require password to wake this computer from sleep or screen saver.

Security / Require password

That's it!