How to make Windows 7's volume mixer save individual volumes again? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

You need a backup to try this really.
Delete this whole PropertyStore key, and everything under it, out of the registry.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore  

It would be good to export that section for backup first, or have a whole image backup of the system, because . . . well it doesn't make sense that it is under internet explorer?

It doesn't make any sense to me, but it holds that information, and I tested it. I tested it after confirming that the data is cleanable. On 2 forums they are indicating that this data would be good in a cleanup utility. I tested by tossing out the whole of mine, and re-booting. I tested by making adjustments and refreshing the registry to observe the change in data there from the mixer adjustments. Of course if you're using such a cleanup utility at boot, then maybe it was included in it?

This would only be a start at trying to find out why the info isn't being used.

Then provide more information. Does it work when on the same boot? Or does it occur after a re-boot? If you just closed the program that was set, then re-open it as the next step a few second later, does it work then? Did you or do you use a Registry cleaner? What is the program ID each time? There is some discussion about it using the PID for the program?