Ubuntu 12.04 Windows Snap Feature

When I first installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32.bit from a Live-CD without internet connection and any updates the snapping feature worked fine for windows of all applications. However, after some updates and installations it stopped working. I can no longer drag a window to the edge of the screen and have it resized. Thinking the problem is from my lack of experience I did a clean install of Ubuntu 12.04 again with internet connection; however, the problem still persists and I am fed up with this. Do you have any suggestions for remedy? Thanks in advance.

P.S: The feature when working properly was just like that in Windows 7. I am a new user BTW so I might be skipping some important details, and I would be glad if you can remind me of them.

First you should make sure Compiz is running. In a terminal type:

ps -A | grep compiz

If there is no output, you have a bigger problem and you need to properly configure your graphics card. Try running jockey in dash and installing proprietary drivers if you need them. If you are using a laptop with Nvidia Optimus card, look into the bumblebee project: http://bumblebee-project.org/

Further graphics card troubleshooting is beyond the scope of this answer.

If Compiz is running and you still don't get the snap feature: Install Compiz Configuration Settings Manager (ccsm) either through the software center or by:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Open up ccsm (you can just type it in the dash).

Go to the Window Management Section and make sure that Grid is checked: enter image description here

If you open Grid, you can choose the Edges Tab and alter the settings there: enter image description here