I would like to build a partial mirror, I like the look of debpartial-mirror, but it looks abandonded, recommendations for a mirror tool?

I would like to build a partial mirror, I like the look of debpartial-mirror, but it looks abandonded, recommendations for a mirror tool?


I choose debpartial-mirror because I can mirror only sections and subsections. Other tools such as debmirror and apt-mirror did not seem to have this functionality.

I've read http://wiki.debian.org/HowToSetupADebianRepository

Does anyone have other recommendations for a partial mirror? Can you tell me what happened to debpartial-mirror?

Solution 1:

A little late, but I think this is might be useful to someone.

debmirror -v --method=http -a amd64 --no-check-gpg --exclude='/*' --include='/regex' /path/to/mirror

this basically excludes all packages except those matchin the regex. multiple include= arguments can be given