Keyboard shortcut to switch focus between monitors (from #1 to #2) in Yosemite

I like having my IDE on left screen and browser on the right one. Whenever I want to refresh page in the browser, I need to move hand from keyboard to mouse. In my previous setup on Fedora I was able to setup a keyboard shortcuts ctrl+1 and ctrl+2 to focus on the topmost window of appropriate monitor. I feel like this is a very basic task, but I didn't find any solutions. I even read this question:

Keyboard shorcut to switch focus between multiple displays on OS X 10.9.5 + (mavericks, el capitan, sierra)

but it proposes a workaround instead of an actual keyboard shortcut to switch focus. Is there any solution? I am able to buy an app from AppStore if there is one for this purpose, but I would like to avoid non-AppStore apps.

You can switch Applications by using ⌘ command+tab. Tabbing through the list of applications can be done by holding the ⌘ command key and continually hitting tab. This will automatically shift focus to the selected app no matter which screen or monitor on which it resides.

Therefore, swapping between IDE and browser is easily done without mapping new shortcuts.

The keyboard command for refreshing the browser is generally ⌘ command+R.

You can switch Windows of the same app by using ⌘ command+~.