Word for who professes discrimination based on culture

A person that professes discrimination based on race is a racist.

What is the word for defining a person that discriminates based on culture (pretty sure it is not culturist) or social habits?

E.g., Eric Cartman doesn't like hippies, he discriminates against them. But a hippie is not a race, an ethnic, a religion or a nationality. It is a life style not related to any of these.

Solution 1:

Snob is probably the word you're looking for. A more precise, but less common word might be ethnocentrist. Other possibilities: elitist, jingoist.

Snob from Merriam-Webster: "one who tends to rebuff, avoid, or ignore those regarded as inferior"

Ethnocentrist, the adjectival or noun form of ethnocentrism from the ODO: "Evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture."

Elitist from the ODO: "A person who believes that a society or system should be led by an elite."

Jingoist from Merriam-Webster: "extreme chauvinis[t] or nationalis[t] marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy."

Solution 2:

Also see "xenophobe". Not quite on point (though, as with "homophobe", common usage implies animus more than literal fear), but maybe it fits the sentence you're trying to write.

Solution 3:

A generalized word for a person who is intolerant of people different than themselves would be a "bigot" so someone who is intolerant of another culture could be called a "cultural bigot" and could be accused of "cultural bigotry".

Merriam-Webster's definition of "bigot":

"a person who won't listen to anyone whose ideas or beliefs are different from his or her own; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial group) with hatred and intolerance"

Solution 4:

Generally this would just be called cultural discrimination. There are more specific words for some of the special cases:

  • If it wasn't an isolated incident and someone makes a habit of doing this, particularly if they were vocal or opinionated about it, they might be called judgmental.

  • If the opinions are particularly egregious violations of societal norms or border on more serious sorts of discrimination, the person might be called a bigot.

  • If someone tends to disapprove of cultures that occupy a lower social status, they might be called a snob, especially if they themselves are a higher social status.

  • If someone just doesn't like cultural norms other than their own in general, they might be called insular or parochial.

Solution 5:

Not perfectly discrimination, but you can take the word 'CHAUVINIST' in this regard, although it has more to do with one's superiority over other's country, sex, region rather that discrimination