Advanced book on partial differential equations
Here are some suggestions.
- Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Partial Differential Equations by Haim Brezis. This violates your rule of not developing the functional analysis material, but is a very good book. You can skip the stuff you know and jump right to the PDE / operator bits.
- An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations by Michael Renardy and Robert Rogers. Here you want the last part of the book, say after chapter 8. There's a lot of nice stuff in Chapters 10-12 that uses lots of functional analysis to solve nonlinear elliptic problems, etc.
- Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear PDE by Ralph Showalter. This is heavy functional / operator theoretic material used to solve some serious nonlinear problems.
- Nonlinear Differential Equations of Monotone Type in Banach Spaces by Biorel Barbu. This covers the same sort of material as the Showalter book.
- Applications of Functional Analysis and Operator Theory by Hutson and Pym. There's a lot more in here than applications in PDE, but you might find it interesting.