Photoshop enable Multiple undo?

I'm used to applications allowing you to perform multiple undos at once with Ctrl-Z. I've found that at least the default setting in photoshop is only a single undo. How do i change this (im a photoshop newbie)?

Solution 1:

I use photoshop 7 but should be similar in any later versions.


Redoc Key - by default is Ctrl+Z (Toggles Undo/Redo)

Change it to Ctrl+Shift+z or something, and change the history states to a nice high value (I have 200).

Press Ok and jobs a good-un!

Solution 2:

You probably do not want to change this.

Photoshop has a "Step backward" function that can be accessed by SHIFT+CTRL+Z.

Also, you can step forward again by using ALT+CTRL+Z.