Finding multiple file extensions in command prompt window

I am trying to use multiple parameters to find 3 different extensions in my windows/system32 in one command: .exe, .dll and .sys

This is giving me what I want, but I can't figure out how to get all 3 extensions in a single command:

dir c:\windows\system32\*.dll /p

This will do it in a single command:

dir /p c:\windows\system32\*.exe c:\windows\system32\*.dll c:\windows\system32\*.sys

A lot of people dont realize that you can have multiple sources in the dir command

If you mean listing files that have one of three extensions, you should start with:

dir *.exe *.dll *.sys

make this a batch file (.bat) and run it from the command prompt

@echo off

dir c:\windows\system32\*.dll
dir c:\windows\system32\*.exe
dir c:\windows\system32\*.sys

Another option is to Change Directory && then do the lookup

cd c:\windows\system32 && dir *.exe *.dll *.sys

Saves a bit of typing...