Word for sensation of lifting an unexpectedly light object?

Is there a term for the sensation of lifting an object that is unexpectedly lighter than it appeared? For instance, picking up a can that you thought was full but was actually empty. The can seems to jump up weightlessly in your hand.

Does English have a specific word or term for this experience/event?

Solution 1:

The size-weight illusion can explain the sensation you are describing:

  • The size–weight illusion, also known as the Charpentier illusion, is named after the French physician Augustin Charpentier because he was the first to demonstrate the illusion experimentally.

  • These illusions can all be described as contrast with the expected weight. The expected weight or density can be measured by matching visible and hidden weights, lifted in the same manner.

  • An early explanation of these illusions was that people judge the weight of an object from its appearance and then lift it with a pre-determined force. They expect a larger object to be heavier and therefore lift it with greater force: the larger object is then lifted more easily than the smaller one, causing it to be perceived as lighter.

Source: wwww.en.m.wikipedia.org

Solution 2:

Merrion Webster has an entry for Overlift; To lift an object too much (or too high)

http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/overlift (£$€)

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As in, 'I thought the can was full so I overlifted it'