What state-of-being would you be in if you are insulted on someone else's behalf?

Suppose someone says something like this:

Mexicans are great at mowing lawns!

Let's also suppose that you, the listener, are not Mexican, however you find the statement insulting to Mexicans and therefore feel insulted on their behalf. What is a word that would describe the state of being that you are in?

Solution 1:

I suggest

Second-hand offended

Here is a good article: Second-hand Offended Is Offensive

Do you think I'm being politically incorrect to use the name "American Indian?" Well, 92% of them preferred American Indian over Native American, or any other name concocted by the "second-hand offended."

Solution 2:

Why not empathy

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. [Oxford Dictionaries Online]

There is a difference between sharing the feelings of another and taking on the role of spokesperson. If you want to convey the latter role, you may be a champion of their interests

A person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else: a champion of women’s rights [Oxford Dictionaries Online]

Whether such spokesmanship (spokespersonship?) is welcomed by the target group is a question of complex social relationships rather than language.

Solution 3:

'Proxy' comes to mind. A strange thing to have to say. LOL

Solution 4:

You are disgusted at the other fellow's bad taste, and you might be contemptuous of him, but you are not in any way insulted or injured.