How to start Tunnelblick VPN connection via Terminal

I can connect/disconnect using the Tunnelblick app. How do I connect via the command line?

/Applications/ start ???

How do I determine the parameters to pass?

A possibly better idea than messing around with openvpn directly (Tunnelblick is basically just a fancy GUI around it) would be to use an Applescript, something that can definitely be launched from the terminal (i.e. with osascript)

Example taken from here:

tell application "Tunnelblick"
    connect "Company_VPN"
    get state of first configuration where name = "Company_VPN"
    repeat until result = "CONNECTED"
        delay 1
        get state of first configuration where name = "Company_VPN"
    end repeat
end tell

You'd write this into the Script Editor, save it, and then you could launch it from the terminal with osascript, or by double clicking on the script.