I want to change clock from 12h to 24h mode via terminal
So I'm looking for the command to change from 12h to 24h. Is there even such a command? I mean I can do it with the GUI but I need to be able to do it via terminal so I can put it in a bash script.
Here I want instead of the 12h format a 24h format.
Solution 1:
This is stored in the plist located at ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.menuextra.clock
under the key DateFormat
Here's a quick primer:
12 Hour Mode with AM/PM:
EEE MMM d h:mm:ss a
12 Hour Mode without AM/PM:
EEE MMM d h:mm:ss
24 Hour Mode:
EEE MMM d H:mm:ss
To apply any of these formatting strings, you can either use the defaults
command at the Terminal, or if you're looking for a more programmable method, you can use the do shell script
1 directive within Applescript.
To apply these via the Terminal, open it up and run the following command:
defaults write com.apple.menuextra.clock DateFormat -string 'EEE MMM d H:mm:ss'
Substitute the string between the quotes with the version from above that you want.
For the changes to take immediate effect, kill -SIGHUP SystemUIServer
will do the trick. Otherwise they will take effect the next time you log out and back in or restart.
1CyberCiti Primer on Shell Scripting via Applescript