How to manually start windows update

Solution 1:

From command line, force detect with:

wuauclt /detectnow

To troubleshoot machines updating from my WSUS server.

I am not sure if it will apply to normal online updating but it is worth mentioning.

Troubleshoot update issues with this logfile:


If you are using Windows 10, Windows updates are logged with ETW (Event Tracing for Windows):

Solution 2:

Another way to manually begin the windows update procedure in XP is to restart it from the Control Panel:

  • Control Panel -> System
  • Go to 'Automatic Updates' tab
  • Temporarily turn off updates: check 'Turn off Automatic Updates.' -> Apply
  • Turn them back on: check 'Automatic' tab (or whichever option you normally use) -> Apply

This forces Automatic Updates to restart, and the result can be seen in the logfile


This is also a great way to restart AU downloads if they have been interrupted for some reason.