How do you duplicate current open Finder view?

I often have a window where i want to drag and drop to a parent folder, and i need another finder window, so i open a new one and need to browse back to where the other window is ...

Solution 1:

most similar thing:

  1. go up one level
  2. CMD + double-click the folder

Solution 2:

One solution is, you do Show Path Bar (view menu), then hold Command and double click on the icon in the path bar that represents the current folder.

This works.

Taken from:

Solution 3:

  1. open a new window.
  2. choose "Go -> Go to folder..." or hit Cmd-Shift-G.
  3. drag the proxy icon from the first window (the little icon that appears in the title bar) to the location field in the second window.
  4. hit return.

Solution 4:

This applescript works for me (Snow Leopard 10.6.7)

tell application "Finder"
    activate --probably not really necessary
    set currentfolder to target of window 1
    set clonedwindow to make new Finder window to currentfolder
end tell

This will open a new window showing the same folder as the current frontmost window. You can then attach this to a keyboard shortcut with Quicksilver or something.