How to set _id to db document in Mongoose?
I'm trying to dynamically create _id's for my Mongoose models by counting the documents in the db, and using that number to create the _id (assuming the first _id is 0). However, I can't get the _id to set from my values. Here's my code:
var Post = new mongoose.Schema({
//_id: Number,
title: String,
content: String,
tags: [ String ]
var count = 16;
var PostModel = mongoose.model( 'Post', Post ); '/', function( request, response ) {
var post = new PostModel({
_id: count,
title: request.body.title,
content: request.body.content,
tags: request.body.tags
}); function( err ) {
if( !err ) {
return console.log( 'Post saved');
} else {
console.log( err );
return response.send(post);
I've tried to set the _id a number of different ways, but it's not working for me. Here's the latest error:
{ message: 'Cast to ObjectId failed for value "16" at path "_id"',
name: 'CastError',
type: 'ObjectId',
value: 16,
path: '_id' }
If you know what's going on, please let me know.
Solution 1:
You either need to declare the _id
property as part of your schema (you commented it out), or use the _id
option and set it to false
(you're using the id
option, which creates a virtual getter to cast _id
to a string but still created an _id
ObjectID property, hence the casting error you get).
So either this:
var Post = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: Number,
title: String,
content: String,
tags: [ String ]
Or this:
var Post = new mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
content: String,
tags: [ String ]
}, { _id: false });
Solution 2:
The first piece of @robertklep's code doesn't work for me (mongoose 4), also need to disabled _id
var Post = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: Number,
title: String,
content: String,
tags: [ String ]
}, { _id: false });
and this works for me
Solution 3:
Create custom _id in mongoose and save that id as a mongo _id. Use mongo _id before saving documents like this.
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Post = new mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
content: String,
tags: [ String ]
}, { _id: false });
// request body to save
let post = new PostModel({
_id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId().toHexString(), //5cd5308e695db945d3cc81a9
title: request.body.title,
content: request.body.content,
tags: request.body.tags