error when trying to update the settings

Solution 1:

Hi i am using setting like this way may be it help you:

Close the index

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/lookupindex/_close'

Update the settings

curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/lookupindex/_settings' -d '{
    "index": {
        "analysis": {
            "analyzer": {
                "custom_standard_analyzer": {
                    "type": "custom",
                    "tokenizer": "whitespace",
                    "filter": [
                "phonetic_analyzer": {
                    "type": "custom",
                    "tokenizer": "standard",
                    "filter": [
            "filter": {
                "customstopwords": {
                    "type": "stop",
                    "stopwords": [
                        " ",
                        "style of",
                        "manner of",
                        "circle of",
                        "copy after",
                        "school, copy",
                        "studio of",
                        "Italian school",
                        "workshop of",
                        "17th c.",
                        "late follower",
                        "follower of",
                        "copy after painting",
                        "by or after",
                        "and school",
                        "copy after drawing",
                        "copy of",
                        "school of",
                        "copy IBS",
                        "German School",
                        "placed with",
                "phoneticstopwords": {
                    "type": "stop",
                    "stopwords": [
                        "style of",
                        "manner of",
                        "circle of",
                        "copy after",
                        "school, copy",
                        "studio of",
                        "Italian school",
                        "workshop of",
                        "17th c.",
                        "late follower",
                        "follower of",
                        "copy after painting",
                        "by or after",
                        "and school",
                        "copy after drawing",
                        "copy of",
                        "school of",
                        "copy IBS",
                        "German School",
                        "placed with",

Reopen the index once done

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/lookupindex/_open'

Solution 2:

I had the similar exception. Is your example complete? Are you creating the index before closing it?

In my case it was the following: "create index, close it, add settings, add other settings, add mapping, open index". Waiting for about 1s after index creation fixed the exception.

Solution 3:

For folks using AWS Elastic-search service, closing and opening is not allowed, They need to follow re-indexing as mentioned here.

Basically create a temp index with all mappings of current original index and add/modify those mappings and settings(where analyzers sit), delete original index and create a new index with that name and copy back all mappings and settings from temp index.