Ruby check if nil before calling method

I have a string in Ruby on which I'm calling the strip method to remove the leading and trailing whitespace. e.g.

s = "12345 "

However if the string is empty nil I get the following error.

NoMethodError: undefined method `strip' for nil:NilClass

I'm using Ruby 1.9 so whats the easiest way to check if the value is nil before calling the strip method?


I tried this on an element in an array but got the same problem:

data[2][1][6].nil? ? data[2][1][6] : data[2][1][6].split(":")[1].strip

Solution 1:

Ruby 2.3.0 added a safe navigation operator (&.) that checks for nil before calling a method.


If s is nil, this expressions returns nil instead of raising NoMethodError.

Solution 2:

You can use method try from ActiveSupport (Rails library)

gem install activesupport

require 'active_support/core_ext/object/try'

or you can use my gem tryit which gives extra facilities:

gem install tryit

s.try { strip }

Solution 3:

If you don't mind the extra object being created, either of these work:


Without extra object:

s && s.strip
s.strip if s

Solution 4:

I guess the easiest method would be the following:

s.strip if s