Does anyone know the word for a question asked with the intent to injure or insult?

Does anyone know the word for a question asked with the intent to injure or insult? I know there is term for it, but I can't find it anywhere. It's driving me crazy.

Example: Are you blind, or just stupid?

Oh, and it's not rhetorical. There is a more specific term.

Edit: It's not sarcasm. There is an actual grammatical term to describe this sort of question.

Solution 1:

What you're wanting here is either epiplexis:

Asking questions in order to chide, to express grief, or to inveigh. A kind of rhetorical question.


Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly? —Job 3:11

or erotema:

The rhetorical question. To affirm or deny a point strongly by asking it as a question.

Generally, as Melanchthon has noted, the rhetorical question includes an emotional dimension, expressing wonder, indignation, sarcasm, etc.


Just why are you so stupid?

(Both those are from BYU's whipass Silva Rhetoricae)

Solution 2:

The example you gave is of a loaded question, a suggestive question or a presuppositional question. It also offers the speaker's interlocutor a false dilemma.

(Links are to definitions and explanations of these terms in Wikipedia.)

Solution 3:

I don't know that there is a single word to describe this. You might call it a dysphemistic question.
