Is "weightage" an English word?
Is weightage an English word?
We use it a lot in India, but I couldn't find it in my Oxford Dictionary.
I was able to find it in the Collins English Dictionary, which marks it as Indian:
weightage chiefly (Indian) another name for weighting
The British National Corpus has 259 cites for weighting, but not a single one for weightage.
Cambridge Dictionary has included the word 'weightage' and mentioned it as 'Indian English' origin. The meaning given is:
(noun) the value or importance of something when compared with another thing.
The entrance test carries 40 percent weightage in the final result.
Weightage is not a word used in American or British English. For the example you give, AmEng academics use the verb to be weighted.
The entrance test is weighted 30% of your final grade.