How to create a SerializationBinder for the Binary Formatter that handles the moving of types from one assembly and namespace to another

Solution 1:

This could work (instead of your override).

public override Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName)
            var m = Regex.Match(typeName, @"^(?<gen>[^\[]+)\[\[(?<type>[^\]]*)\](,\[(?<type>[^\]]*)\])*\]$");
            if (m.Success)
            { // generic type
                var gen = GetFlatTypeMapping(m.Groups["gen"].Value);
                var genArgs = m.Groups["type"]
                    .Select(c =>
                            var m2 = Regex.Match(c.Value, @"^(?<tname>.*)(?<aname>(,[^,]+){4})$");
                            return BindToType(m2.Groups["aname"].Value.Substring(1).Trim(), m2.Groups["tname"].Value.Trim());
                return gen.MakeGenericType(genArgs);
            return GetFlatTypeMapping(assemblyName,typeName);

Then you just have to implement your way the function GetFlatTypeMapping (not worrying of about generic arguments).

What you will have to do is to return typeof(List<>) and typeof(Dictionary<,>) (or any other generic you would like to use) when asked.

nb: I said typeof(List<>) ! not typeof(List<something>) ... that's important.

disclaimer: because of the regex "(?[^]]*)", this snipped does not support nested generic types like List<List<string>> ... you will have to tweak it a bit to support it !