Can I change multiplier property for NSLayoutConstraint?

Solution 1:

Here is an NSLayoutConstraint extension in Swift that makes setting a new multiplier pretty easy:

In Swift 3.0+

import UIKit
extension NSLayoutConstraint {
     Change multiplier constraint

     - parameter multiplier: CGFloat
     - returns: NSLayoutConstraint
    func setMultiplier(multiplier:CGFloat) -> NSLayoutConstraint {


        let newConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(
            item: firstItem,
            attribute: firstAttribute,
            relatedBy: relation,
            toItem: secondItem,
            attribute: secondAttribute,
            multiplier: multiplier,
            constant: constant)

        newConstraint.priority = priority
        newConstraint.shouldBeArchived = self.shouldBeArchived
        newConstraint.identifier = self.identifier

        return newConstraint

Demo usage:

@IBOutlet weak var myDemoConstraint:NSLayoutConstraint!

override func viewDidLoad() {
    let newMultiplier:CGFloat = 0.80
    myDemoConstraint = myDemoConstraint.setMultiplier(newMultiplier)

    //If later in view lifecycle, you may need to call view.layoutIfNeeded() 

Solution 2:

If you have only have two sets of multipliers that need to be applied, from iOS8 onwards you can add both sets of constraints and decide which should be active at any time:

NSLayoutConstraint *standardConstraint, *zoomedConstraint;

// ...
// switch between constraints = NO; // this line should always be the first line. because you have to deactivate one before activating the other one. or they will conflict. = YES;
[self.view layoutIfNeeded]; // or using [UIView animate ...]

Swift 5.0 version

var standardConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
var zoomedConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!

// ...

// switch between constraints
standardConstraint.isActive = false // this line should always be the first line. because you have to deactivate one before activating the other one. or they will conflict.
zoomedConstraint.isActive = true
self.view.layoutIfNeeded() // or using UIView.animate

Solution 3:

The multiplier property is read only. You have to remove the old NSLayoutConstraint and replace it with a new one to modify it.

However, since you know you want to change the multiplier, you can just change the constant by multiplying it yourself when changes are needed which is often less code.