What's the word for "running with your arms outstretched as though flying"?

I caught this on an 'odd words' sort of program on public radio, but didn't hear the full word pronounced, just that it started with an 'f'. I studied the unabridged OED for a bit, but couldn't find it. Can anybody help me? To be clear, this was a single word.

Player running

I believe I've found it, everyone (and @Justin R.)

The 2nd definition for "FLICHTER", as published in A Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language: Supplement, Volume 1, page 418.

Flichter 2. To run with outspread arms, like a tame goose half-flying; applied to children, when running to those to whom they are much attached...

and others, like: A Dictionary of the Scottish Language By John Jamieson, John Johnstone (search "flichter"), but the definition reproduced above I particularly like.

It's not exactly common, but...

He'd been airplaning around, whooping with the other boys.
I ... aeroplaned back and forth and high fived as many as I could. (note this picture in that blog)

...is the most likely verb I know. From OED...

aeroplane verb 2. intr.
To fly or glide like an aeroplane (rare)

(the airplane/aeroplane distinction is irrelevant here). Note that although flying might seem credible, in practice it wouldn't be likely because that would normally be understood to simply mean moving quickly (an idiomatic usage which is so well-established it no longer has any significant allusion to wings).

My guess is that the "f-word" OP has in mind is...

flail - to wave or swing wildly

...but it should be noted that this is usually used figuratively to denote a useless, ineffectual activity, or a vigorous physical attack, rather than the joyous triumphal display of OP's context.