Word for a person who is attracted to the depth of a character or one who likes deep conversation [closed]

What do we call a person, who loves to engage in deep conversations; who is not into silly talks. A person who is attracted to the soul of another person, the depth of his/her character. A person who has so much into his/her mind and thoughts.

In simple words, I would say, what do we call a person, who has a lot of intensity to his character,thoughts and talks

note: Since, the exact requirement of question being confusing for many, i would like to add a character from a movie as an example.

I hope many of you would have seen the film, ***

Into The Wild(2017)

***, American biographical drama survival film written and directed by Sean Penn. It is an adaptation of Jon Krakauer's 1996 non-fiction book of the same name, based on the travels of Christopher McCandless.

The character of Christopher McCandles portrayed by Emile Hirsch is the one I would pick as an example.

Though the character is of a traveller, whom we would call as a wanderlust.But, I think there is more in his character. The vibe, the intensity that character gives out is much more than that of a wanderlust.

So, In simple terms, what is that beautiful term, with which we can address such a person.

A profound person

is someone who would fit your definition.

From Collins

adjective: A profound idea, work, or person shows great intellectual depth and understanding.

I usually call such a person serious. From Webster:


  1. Thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner : sober (a quiet, serious girl)

  2. a : Requiring much thought or work (serious study)

    b : Of or relating to a matter of importance (a serious play)

  3. a : Not joking or trifling : being in earnest (a serious question)

    b : Archaic : pious

    c : Deeply interested : devoted (a serious musician)

As a noun, intellectual fits your description very well.

  1. a person of superior intellect.
  2. a person who places a high value on or pursues things of interest to the intellect or the more complex forms and fields of knowledge, as aesthetic or philosophical matters, especially on an abstract and general level.


He's an intellectual. He cannot have a casual conversation, but insists that every encounter is a meaningful one that focuses on complex topics.

Two intellectuals can talk for many hours, spanning many topics, only to conclude that neither of them can pronounce anything with certainty.

Some decent synonyms include:

  • Academic
  • Learned person
  • Egghead