Can't push to GitHub because of large file which I already deleted

You can use

git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch <file/dir>' HEAD

This will delete everything in the history of that file. The problem is that the file is present in the history.

This command changes the hashes of your commits which can be a real problem, especially on shared repositories. It should not be performed without understanding the consequences.

I found squashing more useful than filter-branch. I did the following:

  1. Locally delete large files.
  2. Commit the local deletes.
  3. Soft reset back X number of commits (for me it was 3): git reset --soft HEAD~3.
  4. Then recommit all the changes together (AKA squash) git commit -m "New message for the combined commit"
  5. Push squashed commit.

Special case (from user @lituo): If above doesn't work, then you may have this case. Commit 1 included the large file and Commit 1's push failed due to large file error. Commit 2 removed the large file by git rm --cached [file_name] but Commit 2's push still failed. You can follow the same steps above but instead of using HEAD~3, use HEAD~2.