What are the recommended textbooks for introductory calculus?

Solution 1:

Thomas & Finney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry.

Spivak, Calculus.

Apostol, Calculus.

I recommend Apostol the most.

Solution 2:

Elementary Analysis : The theory of calculus by Kenneth Ross is a beautiful written book. Link is here : http://www.springer.com/mathematics/analysis/book/978-0-387-90459-7

Diferential and Integral Calculus by R.Courant is again a very good book which one can learn. http://books.google.co.in/books?id=eyC1nk9-YjkC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Calculus+R.Courant&source=bl&ots=v0rLcDvVW_&sig=VPB6ZBXfMm6yj0vLG4YalVkpV7I&hl=en&ei=_6ZlTLXAN47IvQOhtZHyDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CCEQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=Calculus%20R.Courant&f=false

Advanced Calculus by J.M.H Ohmsted is also a very good book. Although title says advanced its not really advanced.

Solution 3:

Even though I took a course out of it more than 10 years ago, I still refer back to Spivak's Calculus all the time.

Solution 4:

If you can get a copy (which is improbable, I'm afraid),

  • Vladimir Smirnov, A Course of Higher Mathematics, VOLUME 1, Pergamon press 1964.

This is a translation of a beautiful treatise on mathematical analysis which served as a textbook for generations of engineering students in the USSR. The first volume, in particular, is one of the best introductions to calculus I've ever seen.