Can I reset app windows to default size/position?

I was just wondering if there is a way to reset app windows like Mail or Finder to there default size and position. Is this possible and so yes, how?

Thanks in advance.

Solution 1:

Window size preferences are generally stored in the .plist files found in /HD/Users/YourName/Library/Preferences

You may need to enable hidden files by using: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES in command line, followed by a relaunch of Finder.

As an example, for Finder the file is called and the window state information is under the key WindowState for each different type of finder window (e.g. standard folder, searchview...) Other applications have similar naming (ctrl+F is your friend here!), e.g. the Fontbook app uses the NSWindowFrame key.

You should be able to safely remove the window state information as it get auto read from defaults database anyway.

Finder .plist

Having said all that, this doesn't appear to work for a few applications such as Maps and Mail (which is what you want unfortunately). But hey, it's a start.

(Also apologies for the lack of codeblocks, they are refusing to show up for some reason)