phrases: "marry a guy and he'll provide"

Trying to find a similar phrase to this Chinese phrase:


which basically means if a woman marries a guy, then the guy will provide food and clothing.

I can't think of anything off the top of my head, something like

marry a guy and he'll provide
marry for provision

are there any set phrases/idioms in English?

Solution 1:

While not exactly the same, the phrases "to bring home the bacon" or "put food on the table" are commonly used to mean to provide for the family. So, a phrase such as "find a man who puts food on the table" would be understood to mean marrying a man who will financially support the family.

Solution 2:

Quite a common phrase is meal ticket, and TVTropes defines it thusly:

Basically the target of a Gold Digger. Someone the digger pretends to love for the ticket's money, power, or some other thing the digger wants. Usually the meal ticket is wealthy, but they may simply have a dependable income that's enough that the gold digger won't have to worry about supporting themselves.

You would then use it as:

Mary found herself a real meal ticket: John's father is a property tycoon

As bib pointed out, it also appears in dictionaries, such as Collins:

noun, slang - a person, situation, etc, providing a source of livelihood or income


noun, informal - someone upon whom one is dependent for one's income or livelihood

"selfish children who look upon their father only as a meal ticket."