Which is best for data store Struct/Classes?

I would make the choice based on the following criteria

  • reference type vs value type semantics. If 2 objects are only equal if they are the same object, it indicates reference type semantics => class. If the value of its members defines equality (e.g. 2 DateTimes are equal if both represent the same point in time even if they are 2 distinct objects), value type semantics => struct
  • Memory footprint of the object. If the object is huge and frequently allocated, making it a struct would consume the stack much faster, hence I'd rather have it as a class. On the contrary, I'd rather avoid the GC penalty for small value types; hence make them a struct.
  • can you make the object immutable? I find structs great for 'value objects' - from the DDD book.
  • Would you face some boxing-unboxing penalty based on the usage of this object? If yes, go for class.

A pretty cool, not so well known advantage of Structs over Classes is that there is an automatic implementation of GetHashcode and Equals in structs.
That's pretty useful when keys are required for dictionaries

The struct implementation of GetHashcode and Equals is based on the binary content of the struct instances + reflection for the reference members (like String members and other instances of classes)

So the following code works for GethashCode/Equals :

public struct Person
    public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }
    public int Age{ get; set; }
    public String Firstname { get; set; }
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Person p1 = new Person { Age = 44, Birthday = new DateTime(1971, 5, 24), Firstname = "Emmanuel" };
        Person p2 = new Person { Age = 44, Birthday = new DateTime(1971, 5, 24), Firstname = "Emmanuel" };
        Debug.Assert(p1.GetHashCode() == p2.GetHashCode());

Both assertions succeed when Person is a struct Both assertions fail if Person is a class instead of a struct

Reference : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-Us/library/2dts52z7%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

Regards, best coding

structs should be defined immutable where in classes should not. If you think your objects are going to be small and immutable you can go ahead with making them structs or else let them be classes.

I can never really seem to remember, exactly how structs are different, but they are. In subtle ways. In fact, sometimes they come and bite you.

So. Unless you know what you are doing, just stick to classes.

I know this sounds a little newbie. I know I should right now go and look up the differences and display them here - but that has already been done by others. All I'm saying is that adding a different type of objects creates a semantical burden, a bit of extra complexity that you are wise to consider carefully.

If I remember correctly, one of the biggest problem is the value semantics of structs: Passing them around will result in different objects (as they get passed by value). If you then change some field in one place, beware that in all other places the field did not get changed! That is why everyone is recommending immutability for structs!

EDIT: For the case you are describing, structs won't work!

A class object has the advantage that it's possible to pass around a reference to it, with the scope and lifetime of such a reference being unlimited if it reaches outside code. A struct has the advantage that while it's possible to pass around short-lived references to them, it's not possible to pass around perpetual promiscuous references. This helps avoid having to worry about whether such references exist.

Some people have suggested that data holders which are mutable should not be structs. I emphatically disagree. Entities which exists for the purpose of holding data should, in many cases, be structs, especially if they are mutable. Eric Lippert has posted many times that he considers mutable value types evil (search under tags "mutable" and "struct"). It is certainly true that .net allows certain things to be done with mutable structs which it shouldn't, and doesn't conveniently allow some things that it should, but POD ("Plain Old Data") structs which have no mutating methods, but instead expose their entire state via public fields, have a very useful consistency in their behavior which is not shared with any other data type. Using a POD struct may confuse someone who isn't familiar with how they work, but will make the program much more readable by anyone who does.

Consider, for example, the following code, assuming EmployeeInfoStruct contains nothing but value types and immutable class types like String:

[employeeInfoStruct is a struct containing the following field]
public Decimal YearlyBonus;

[someEmployeeContainer is an instance of a class which includes the following method]
EmployeeInfoStruct GetEmployeeInfo(String id);  // Just the signature--code is immaterial

[some other method uses the following code]
EmployeeInfoStruct anEmployee = someEmployeeContainer.GetEmployeeInfo("123-45-6789");
anEmployee.YearlyBonus += 100;

Eric Lippert complains that the above code will alter the value in anEmployee, but that change won't have any effect on the container. I would suggest that's a good thing--anyone who knows how structs work could look at the above code and know writes to a struct variable will affect that variable, but won't affect anything else unless the program later uses some other method (perhaps SetEmployeeInfo) to store that variable someplace.

Now replace EmployeeInfoStruct with EmployeeInfoClass, which has a read/write property of type YearlyBonus. Using just the information above, what can one say about the the relationship between writes to someEmployeeContainer and anEmployee? Depending upon the implementations of anEmployee's class (which, unless EmployeeInfoClass is sealed, might or might not actually be EmployeeInfoClass) and someEmployeeContainer, the relationship between the objects could be anything. Writes to one might:

  1. Have no effect on the other
  2. Update the other in 'natural' fashion
  3. Corrupt the other in some arbitrary way

With structs containing nothing but fields of either value types or immutable classes, the semantics are always going to be #1. One doesn't have to look at the code for the struct itself, nor the code of the container, to know that. By contrast, if the anEmployee.Salary or someEmployeeContainer.GetEmployee is virtual, it's impossible to really know what the semantics will be.

It's important to note that, if structs are large, passing them by value or returning them from functions can be expensive. It's generally better to pass large structs as ref parameters when possible. Although the built-in collections really don't do a good job of facilitating such usage, it can make using a hundreds-of-bytes struct cheaper than using a class.