XPath to match @class value and element value?

Solution 1:

This XPath expression:

//div[contains(@class, 'item-price') and contains(., '$')]

Will match all div elements of the item-price class containing a '$'.

It's useful to use contains() in the test on @class if you want to match cases where there are multiple CSS styles specified in the @class value.

Caution: For a more robust solution, apply the following technique to avoid unintended substring matches (item-price matching, say, item-prices):

//div[contains(concat(' ',@class,' '), ' item-price ') and contains(., '$')]

Solution 2:

//div[@class = 'item-price'][contains(., '$')]

Solution 3:

As per the HTML:

<div class="item-price">$0.99</div>

There is:

  • Only one value of the class attribute i.e. item-price
  • And the innerText starts with a $ sign.

So, to locate this element with respect to the value of the class attribute i.e. item-price and innerText content starting with a dollar sign ($) you can use either of the following solutions:

  • Using starts-with():

    //div[@class='item-price' and starts-with(., '$')]
  • Using contains():

    //div[@class='item-price' and contains(., '$')]