How to stop logcat from scrolling in Android Studio

I used Eclipse before and I could easily stop logcat from scrolling, but I can't find same funcionality in Android studio. Anyone knows how to do it?

There's no dedicated button for this, but you can just click on / highlight some text around where you want to stop scrolling.

android studio have this feature enter image description here

you just click on the line three times and you can selectd the line , it will stops scrolling.

I had the same issue. Simple solution:

In Android monitor, on the right, change No Filters -> Show only selected application.

I actually just had a problem (in 1.2.2) where I couldn't keep it from scrolling. I tried all the tricks and proper methods mentioned here, but it kept scrolling out from under me.

Turns out there was a problem trying to connect to an emulator that had long since been disconnected, and it kept retrying. And every time it did, it reloaded everything causing logcat to refresh. So it wasn't REALLY scrolling, it just felt like it was because of how big the buffer is.

I unplugged my physical device (that was running along side the emulator), restarted Android Studio, plugged the physical device back in, and boom, it no longer kept "scrolling".

Hopefully this might help someone else. Because I was getting incredibly frustrated for a while, there.