Login hangs on spotlight and no network is available

After upgrading to Lion, I boot up and most of my icons don't appear on the right side of the top menu bar and when I hover over spotlight, I get the spinning pinwheel and there's no network access. The preferences open up fine but when I click on network, it hangs.

The only way I can get around it is to reboot while holding down the shift key.

I read about a fix (that didn't work for me) that clears the font caches by executing:

atsutil databases -removeUser
atsutil server -shutdown
atsutil server -ping

And another fix suggestion that said to use FontNuke & check the "Reset Spotlight" and "Repair Permissions" boxes before clicking "Nuke Font Caches". However, FontNuke isn't available yet for Lion.

Has anyone else had this problem and found a way to fix it?

Update: The new version of FontNuke is out yet it didn't fix my problem. Still SOL.

Anyone see this and have any ideas?

Solution 1:

You can turn off Spotlight indexing for the whole hard drive in System Preferences -> Spotlight. Then after rebooting turn it on again, and Spotlight will re-index.

My problem is that I'm having this problem every other or every third reboot.