Need location of image for preference pane "PREF" icon

I have a stack in my Dock with aliases to my most-used preference panes. In the past, the icons that appear in the grid when I click on the stack have been the large descriptive icons shown in Finder. Since upgrading to Lion, instead, I'm getting new icons. The descriptive icon is small, surrounded by a gear, and the word PREF is under it. At a glance, it's no longer possible to tell which preference pane is which.

Finder doesn't show these large "gear/PREF" icons; the stack and QuickLook do.

Where might I find the image for this icon so I can start figuring out how to replace it? It's nowhere inside the packages for the individual preference panes, System, or

Solution 1:

You lift the the icon of any prefpane by the "get info trick"

Also I'm seeing icons in the prefpane bundles in Contents/Resource/xxxx.icns