How do I change the line spacing in Terminal?

Solution 1:

There is one terminal emulator that has this feature.


from man urxvt:

-lsp number
Compile frills: Lines (pixel height) to insert between each row of the display.      
Useful to work around font rendering problems; resource lineSpace.

urxvt is avalable in thease packages:




Solution 2:

This feature is available in GNOME Terminal version 3.28 (VTE terminal emulation library version 0.52).

Solution 3:

Konsole has this feature. You'll find it under profile settings in the rightmost tab. Konsole is a KDE application, but it has relatively few dependencies and seems to work well without KDE.

The mac terminal supports this for a good reason. Atom (editor) supports it too. To me it's indispensable. I imagine, many people prefer a little more line spacing/ line height.

urxvt seems a little antiquated to me.

Solution 4:

To my knowledge this is not directly achievable. Nor would you want it to be. Having a space between lines would really mess up "text ui" based programs like nano, mail, and that little dialog that pops up when you run apt from the command line.

However, there is good news. You can just change the font. Some fonts have a kind of "padding" that will give you the same effect.

I recommend that you use Source Code Pro it's very readable, though it honestly doesn't give as much padding as you want.

Keep in mind that on Linux the terminal is different concept then it is on OS X. As someone that is migrating myself, I think the best advice I can give is to just use the defaults for a while then make a decision.