Who is the next High King?

In Skyrim, there are two very likely candidates for the next High King or Queen after Torygg is murdered.

  • Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak
  • Jarl Elisif the Fair

In the main story line, when you defeat the Empire as the Stormcloaks:

Ulfric rescinds his earlier statement, saying he supports the decision of the Moot, whether he is crowned King or not.

Which means Ulfric may or may not be crowned High King of Skyrim. I can't seem to find any information about Elisif becoming High Queen.

In the end, who becomes the true ruler of Skyrim? The player can choose for themselves who may become the king or queen, but is there any hard-wired true ending in the lore of The Elder Scrolls?

Ruling out any Mods, the answer is unknown. Even after the player ends the Civil War there is no way to cause a meeting of the Moot. Without the Moot, there is no TRUE High King. Both Elisef and Ulfric point out that without the Moot's decision, there is no King. Of course, part of the reason for the Civil War is to put Jarls friendly to your cause in charge of the various Holds.

Logically speaking, if the player sides with the Empire and wins the Civil War, Jarl Elisef will almost certainly win the election and be named High Queen. If Ulfric wins the Civil War, he likewise is nearly guaranteed to win the election. But again, the Moot does not occur within the time-span of the game, so officially there is no High King. Because Skyrim is currently the last entry in the series chronologically there is no lore to tell us what happens after it ends.