How to indent XML files automatically when opened in Sublime Text 2?

Solution 1:

To indent / prettify / beautify XML, I use SublimeText Indent plugin:

  1. Install the package with Package Control (search "indentxml").
  2. Open any XML file, or create a new file and paste any XML into it.
  3. Ctrl-K, F to indent it.

Solution 2:

Try this plugin:

1) Tools > New Plugin

2) Copy and paste code below

3) Save in the Packages/User directory with a .py extension (should be the default directory)

4) Open any XML file and it should run. [Open console (Ctrl+~ in Windows) to see any errors]

The code supports both "Indent XML" and "IndentX". If they don't exist I believe the command fails silently and shouldn't affect anything. I'm a plugin newbie but hope this helps!

# Packages/User/
import sublime, sublime_plugin

class OnOpenCommand(sublime_plugin.EventListener):  
  def on_load(self, view):  
    if view.file_name().lower().endswith(".xml") :
      #print "{0}: Auto indenting {1} with Indent XML's auto_indent command".format(__file__, view.file_name())
      #print "{0}: Auto indenting {1} with IndentX's basic_indent_tags command".format(__file__, view.file_name())