How to clear previous expectations on an object?

There are three ways:

You can reset the expectations by using BackToRecord

I have to admit that I never really used it because it is awkward.

// clear expectations, an enum defines which
// go to replay again.

Edit: Now I use it sometimes, it is actually the cleanest way. There should be an extension method (like Stub) which does it - I think it just got forgotten. I would suggest to write your own.

You can use Repeat.Any()

It 'breaks' the order of the stubbed definition and "overrides" previous definitions. But it's somehow implicit. I use it sometimes because it is easy to write.

_stubRepository.Stub(x => x.Contains(null))

You can create a new mock

Trivial, but explicit and easy to understand. It is only a problem if you want to keep plenty of definitions and only change one call.

_stubRepository = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IRepository>();
_stubRepository.Stub(x => x.Contains(null))

For these situations, I created a simple RinoMocks extention method to better show the intent of the stub and promote readability.

public static void OverridePrevious<T>(this IMethodOptions<T> options)

So instead of a cryptic call like the following that may require a comment:

public void Setup()
    carStub.Stub(x => x.Model).Return("Model1");
    carStub.Stub(x => x.Model).Return("Model2");

public void SomeTest()
    //overrides previous stubs that were setup for the Model property
    carStub.Stub(x => x.Model).Return(null).Repeat.Any();


You can get a more readable test that better shows the intent of the .Repeat.Any() calls:

carStub.Stub(x => x.Model).Return(null).OverridePrevious();

For the sake of the community I'll add this to add to Stefan's list of options above:

If the return value needs to be changed frequently I find it clean and efficient to use a closure as follows.

bool returnValue = true;
_stubRepository.Stub(x => x.Contains(null)).IgnoreArguments().Do(new Func<bool>(() => {
    return returnValue;

returnValue = false;
// Calls to Contains now return false;

returnValue = true;
// Calls to Contains now return true;

The lambda expression will be executed every time Contains is called and because we created a closure referencing returnValue, it will always look up the current value of returnValue.