Another way to say "be safe and come back soon"

I am looking into a specific expression I heard but could not remember it exactly. It means that be safe and come back soon, or any similar meaning. You say it to your friend/ relative when they leave.

I am sure it has this word: "victorious". Probably it is something like "return victorious". Also, it probably has the word "sail". It is NOT a common expression that you will hear everyday.

Solution 1:

Could you be thinking of shield rather than sail?

Return victorious with/on your shield

This was a common parting message given to the warriors of ancient Sparta before they left for war. The soldiers in the phalanx were each issued a large bronze shield, called a hoplon. Due to its size, if one of them returned from battle without his shield it was suspected that he had dropped it to flee the battle.

If the soldier died valiantly in battle his comrades could use his shield as a kind of litter to drag his body back to Sparta.

Thus, the meaning of the saying is clear. The only acceptable options are:

Return victorious (with your shield)
Return dead (on your shield)

Solution 2:

OK, I remembered it.

Sally forth and do battle and return victorious.

I am not sure what its origin is or even whether it is any use?