A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation [closed]

I think PHP_Codesniffer can indicate when there is no docblock -- see the examples of reports on this page (quoting one of those) :

  2 | ERROR   | Missing file doc comment
 20 | ERROR   | PHP keywords must be lowercase; expected "false" but found
    |         | "FALSE"
 47 | ERROR   | Line not indented correctly; expected 4 spaces but found 1
 47 | WARNING | Equals sign not aligned with surrounding assignments
 51 | ERROR   | Missing function doc comment
 88 | ERROR   | Line not indented correctly; expected 9 spaces but found 6

I suppose you could use PHP_Codesniffer to at least get a list of all files/classes/methods that don't have a documentation; from what I remember, it can generate XML as output, which would be easier to parse using some automated tool -- that could be the first step of some docblock-generator ;-)

Also, if you are using phpDocumentor to generate the documentation, can this one not report errors for missing blocks ?

After a couple of tests, it can -- for instance, running it on a class-file with not much documentation, with the --undocumentedelements option, such as this :

phpdoc --filename MyClass.php --target doc --undocumentedelements

Gives this in the middle of the output :

Reading file /home/squale/developpement/tests/temp/test-phpdoc/MyClass.php -- Parsing file
WARNING in MyClass.php on line 2: Class "MyClass" has no Class-level DocBlock.
WARNING in MyClass.php on line 2: no @package tag was used in a DocBlock for class MyClass
WARNING in MyClass.php on line 5: Method "__construct" has no method-level DocBlock.
WARNING in MyClass.php on line 16: File "/home/squale/developpement/tests/temp/test-phpdoc/MyClass.php" has no page-level DocBlock, use @package in the first DocBlock to create one

But, here, too, even if it's useful as a reporting tool, it's not that helpful when it comes to generating the missing docblocks...

Now, I don't know of any tool that will pre-generate the missing docblocks for you : I generally use PHP_Codesniffer and/or phpDocumentor in my continuous integration mecanism, it reports missing docblocks, and, then, each developper adds what is missing, from his IDE...

... Which works pretty fine : there is generally not more than a couple of missing docblocks every day, so the task can be done by hand (and Eclipse PDT provides a feature to pre-generate the docblock for a method, when you are editing a specific file/method).

Appart from that, I don't really know any fully-automated tool to generate docblocks... But I'm pretty sure we could manage to create an interesting tool, using either :

  • The Reflection API
  • token_get_all to parse the source of a PHP file.

After a bit more searching, though, I found this blog-post (it's in french -- maybe some people here will be able to understand) : Ajout automatique de Tags phpDoc à l'aide de PHP_Beautifier.
Possible translation of the title : "Automatically adding phpDoc tags, using PHP_Beautifier"

The idea is actually not bad :

  • The PHP_Beautifier tool is pretty nice and powerful, when it comes to formating some PHP code that's not well formated
    • I've used it many times for code that I couldn't even read ^^
  • And it can be extended, using what it calls "filters".
    • see PHP_Beautifier_Filter for a list of provided filters

The idea that's used in the blog-post I linked to is to :

  • create a new PHP_Beautifier filter, that will detect the following tokens :
    • T_CLASS
  • And add a "draft" doc-block just before them, if there is not already one

To run the tool on some MyClass.php file, I've had to first install PHP_Beautifier :

pear install --alldeps Php_Beautifier-beta

Then, download the filter to the directory I was working in (could have put it in the default directory, of course) :

wget http://fxnion.free.fr/downloads/phpDoc.filter.phpcs
cp phpDoc.filter.phpcs phpDoc.filter.php

And, after that, I created a new beautifier-1.php script (Based on what's proposed in the blog-post I linked to, once again), which will :

  • Load the content of my MyClass.php file
  • Instanciate PHP_Beautifier
  • Add some filters to beautify the code
  • Add the phpDoc filter we just downloaded
  • Beautify the source of our file, and echo it to the standard output.

The code of the beautifier-1.php script will like this :
(Once again, the biggest part is a copy-paste from the blog-post ; I only translated the comments, and changed a couple of small things)

require_once 'PHP/Beautifier.php';

// Load the content of my source-file, with missing docblocks
$sourcecode = file_get_contents('MyClass.php');

$oToken = new PHP_Beautifier(); 

// The phpDoc.filter.php file is not in the default directory,
// but in the "current" one => we need to add it to the list of
// directories that PHP_Beautifier will search in for filters

// Adding some nice filters, to format the code
$oToken->addFilter('IndentStyles', array('style'=>'k&r'));

// Adding the phpDoc filter, asking it to add a license
// at the beginning of the file
$oToken->addFilter('phpDoc', array('license'=>'php'));

// The code is in $sourceCode
// We could also have used the setInputFile method,
// instead of having the code in a variable

// And here we get the result, all clean !              
echo $oToken->get();

Note that I also had to path two small things in phpDoc.filter.php, to avoid a warning and a notice...
The corresponding patch can be downloaded there : http://extern.pascal-martin.fr/so/phpDoc.filter-pmn.patch

Now, if we run that beautifier-1.php script :

$ php ./beautifier-1.php

With a MyClass.php file that initialy contains this code :

class MyClass {
    public function __construct($myString, $myInt) {

     * Method with some comment
     * @param array $params blah blah
    public function doSomething(array $params = array()) {
        // ...

    protected $_myVar;

Here's the kind of result we get -- once our file is Beautified :

 * PHP version 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
 * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
 * http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.  If you did not receive a copy of
 * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
 * send a note to [email protected] so we can mail you a copy immediately.
 * @category   PHP
 * @package
 * @subpackage Filter
 * @author FirstName LastName <mail>
 * @copyright 2009 FirstName LastName
 * @link
 * @license     http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt  PHP License 3.0
 * @version    CVS: $Id:$

 * @todo Description of class MyClass
 * @author 
 * @version 
 * @package 
 * @subpackage 
 * @category 
 * @link 
class MyClass {

     * @todo Description of function __construct
     * @param  $myString 
     * @param  $myInt
     * @return 
    public function __construct($myString, $myInt) {

     * Method with some comment
     * @param array $params blah blah
    public function doSomething(array $params = array()) {
        // ...


    protected $_myVar;

We can note :

  • The license block at the beginning of the file
  • The docblock that's been added on the MyClass class
  • The docblock that's been added on the __construct method
  • The docblock on the doSomething was already present in our code : it's not been removed.
  • There are some @todo tags ^^

Now, it's not perfect, of course :

  • It doesn't document all the stuff we could want it too
    • For instance, here, it didn't document the protected $_myVar
  • It doesn't enhance existing docblocks
  • And it doesn't open the file in any graphical editor
    • But that would be much harder, I guess...

But I'm pretty sure that this idea could be used as a starting point to something a lot more interesting :

  • About the stuff that doesn't get documented : adding new tags that will be recognized should not be too hard
    • You just have to add them to a list at the beginning of the filter
  • Enhancing existing docblocks might be harder, I have to admit
  • A nice thing is this could be fully-automated
  • Using Eclipse PDT, maybe this could be set as an External Tool, so we can at least launch it from our IDE ?

Since PHPCS was already mentioned, I throw in the Reflection API to check for missing DocBlocks. The article linked below is a short tutorial on how you could approach your problem:

  • http://www.phpriot.com/articles/reflection-api

There is also a PEAR Package PHP_DocBlockGenerator that can Create the file Page block and the DocBlocks for includes, global variables, functions, parameters, classes, constants, properties and methods (and other things).

php-tracer-weaver can instrument code and generate docblocks with the parameter types, deducted through runtime analysis.

You can use the Code Sniffer for PHP to test your code against a predefined set of coding guidelines. It will also check for missing docblocks and generate a report you can use to identify the files.

The 1.4.x versions of phpDocumentor have the -ue option (--undocumentedelements) [1], which will cause undocumented elements to be listed as warnings on the errors.html page that it generates during its doc run.

Further, PHP_DocBlockGenerator [2] from PEAR looks like it can generate missing docblocks for you.

[1] -- http://manual.phpdoc.org/HTMLSmartyConverter/HandS/phpDocumentor/tutorial_phpDocumentor.howto.pkg.html#using.command-line.undocumentedelements

[2] -- http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_DocBlockGenerator