Extract images in PDF without affecting the resolution?

Solution 1:

From the XPDF suite (which is Free & Open Source Software) you can use pdfimages.exe CLI tool to extract all images from a PDF, or just all images from a range of pages. Here an example to extract all images from pages 33-36:

pdfimages.exe ^
  -f 33 ^
  -l 36 ^
  -j ^
   c:/path/to/input.pdf ^

The -j will try to extract embedded JPEG images as JPEGs. All other images are output as PPMs (portable pixmaps). Attention, PPMs are totally uncompressed!

Solution 2:

this is very easy using evince (The document viewer) in Ubuntu. Just open the pdf using evince then unmaximize the window, mark it Always on top then drag and drop the image into the folder you like.

Solution 3:

PHOTOSHOP! Open the PDF in Photoshop. (Using Photoshop CC on Windows 7)

  1. Launch Photoshop.
  2. Select File/Open (or Command/Control-O). The "Open" dialogue box will pop up.
  3. Select the PDF and click OK/Enter. The "Import PDF" dialogue box will pop up.
  4. IMPORTANT - under "Select", click the "Images" radio button. All of the images will appear!
  5. Select the image you want and click OK.
  6. Ta-da!