Can I replace internal diff in Total Commander with a custom tool?
Solution 1:
There are many ways to do this (here I'm using BeyondCompare as an example, it's the best I've found in this category, but the solution also works well with WinMerge):
A) Edit wincmd.ini
under %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER\
by default, and add something like this:
[Configuration] CompareTool=C:\Program Files\Shareware\FileCmp\BeyondCmp\BCompare.exe
Now all comparisons are made using this app instead of the internal tool.
B) Using TotalCmd's StartMenu (command "Change start menu..."), add these commands:
BC (Compare left-vs-right directories)
%X%p %X%t
BC (Compare current file under cursor vs same file in the other panel)
"%X%p%x%n" "%X%t%x%n"
BC (Compare current file in left vs current file in right)
"%X%p%n" "%X%t%m"
Solution 2:
I came accross this question because I wanted to use Visual Studio Code as external diff tool.
Since VS Code isn't primarly a diff tool one can't just invoke the exe-file with two filenames as parameters. Instead the option --diff
or just -d
has to be specified.
This is important when editing the WINCMD.INI. The line Comparetool has to take the path to code.exe and the diff-option:
Comparetool="C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" --diff