how to bind Bootstrap-datepicker element with angularjs ng-model?

As @lort suggests, you cannot access the datepicker model from your controller because the datepicker has its own private scope.

If you set: ng-model="parent.checkOut"

and define in the controller: $scope.parent = {checkOut:''};

you can access the datepicker using: $scope.parent.checkOut

I am using bootstrap 3 datepicker and angularjs, I had the same problem with ng-model, so I am getting input date value using bootstrap jquery function, below is the code in my controller, it's worked for me.


<input class="form-control" name="date" id="datetimepicker" placeholder="select date">


$(function() {

    //for displaying datepicker

        viewMode: 'years',
        format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',

    //for getting input value

    $("#datetimepicker").on("dp.change", function() {

        $scope.selecteddate = $("#datetimepicker").val();
        alert("selected date is " + $scope.selecteddate);

