Python: Removing Rows on Count condition

Solution 1:

Here you go with filter

df.groupby('city').filter(lambda x : len(x)>3)
0  NYC
1  NYC
2  NYC
3  NYC

Solution two transform

sub_df = df[df.groupby('city').city.transform('count')>3].copy() 
# add copy for future warning when you need to modify the sub df

Solution 2:

This is one way using pd.Series.value_counts.

counts = df['city'].value_counts()

res = df[~df['city'].isin(counts[counts < 5].index)]

counts is a pd.Series object. counts < 5 returns a Boolean series. We filter the counts series by the Boolean counts < 5 series (that's what the square brackets achieve). We then take the index of the resultant series to find the cities with < 5 counts. ~ is the negation operator.

Remember a series is a mapping between index and value. The index of a series does not necessarily contain unique values, but this is guaranteed with the output of value_counts.

Solution 3:

I think you're looking for value_counts()

# Import the great and powerful pandas
import pandas as pd

# Create some example data
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'city': ['NYC', 'NYC', 'SYD', 'NYC', 'SEL', 'NYC', 'NYC']

# Get the count of each value
value_counts = df['city'].value_counts()

# Select the values where the count is less than 3 (or 5 if you like)
to_remove = value_counts[value_counts <= 3].index

# Keep rows where the city column is not in to_remove
df = df[]

Solution 4:

Another solution :

df['Count'] = df.groupby('City')['City'].transform(pd.Series.value_counts)
df.drop(['Count'], axis = 1, inplace = True)

0  NYC
1  NYC
2  NYC
3  NYC