How to (intermittently) skip certain cells when running IPython notebook?

Solution 1:

Though this isn't exactly what you seem to be looking for, if you wish to entirely omit the execution of a cell (where no cached results are loaded), you can add the following hack at the beginning of a cell (assuming you are using a Unix-based OS):

%%script false

or a variant (working as of early 2020 -- see here for explanation):

%%script false --no-raise-error

Solution 2:

Currently, there is no such feature included in the IPython notebook. Nevertheless, there are some possibilities to make your life easier, like:

  • use the %store or maybe better the %%cache magic (extension) to store the results of these intermittently cells, so they don't have to be recomputed (see

  • add a if==0: before the cells you don't want to execute

  • convert these cells to raw cells (but you will loose the already stored output!)

(see discussion at