Running programs by typing some alias in Windows

Is there an easy way in windows to set a given string, like "sidb" to run a program or open a given folder in Windows?

My original idea was to be able to run commands like that in the "Execute" start button menu (or Win + R),so I'd just have to do WIN+R and type "sidb".

What is the best way to accomplish this?

EDIT: May I rephrase this as : Is there a way to define for example, in systems variables, sibd="C:.......blabla\ and then I'd just have to type "sibd" in Run?

You can make small batch files which execute the program, and name them after the desired alias. Then simply put them into a folder that's in your path environment variable.

example, ff.cmd:

@echo off
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe"

Surprised on one has mentioned this one

It concerns adding registry keys under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths Which is evaluated just after %PATH%

Take note that the reg sub key name would be what you want to type + .exe

so add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\sibd.exe with a default value of C:.......blabla\

it seems much easier(and in some ways safer, others not so much) to granularly manage than the horrendous %PATH% string.

If all you want to do is run program or open folders, you can make a batch file to do that. As long as that batch file is in the PATH (and doesn't conflict in name) it will be run by any command prompt.

notepad example:
make a batch file to open notepad called np.bat In the batch file write
START %windir%\system32\notepad.exe

C drive example:
make a batch file to open the c drive called c.bat In the batch file write
START explorer C:\

There are also third party apps: SlickRun, MagicWords, Launchy, slimKEYS, Enso Launcher, Colibri

You can use a free program launcher.

See this article for a discussion of some the best : Best Free Program Launcher, which contains info about Launchy, Find and Run Robot, Enso, Slickrun, FSL Launcher, Fast Launcher, 8Start, and more.

I use a path, C:\bin, which I put into the system PATH variable. I put things like GNU utils, SysInternals, and shortcuts to frequently used programs here. For example, a short to notepad++ called np. Winkey+R, np, enter. Done.