How can I change the login screen theme in GDM?

Solution 1:

Use this command in the terminal:

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow

Logout, and you will be prompted with the Appearance window. change the theme as you change it for the desktop, and login back, and type this command:

sudo rm /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop

That's it.

Solution 2:

This depends on what you want to do with the login screen. You can configure some basic options in the Login Screen Settings app (System/Administration/Login Screen) - whether a user should be automatically logged in, the default session etc.

However to change the login screen more graphically Ubuntu Tweak can be used to change the background, logo etc.

Ubuntu Tweak - Login settings

Solution 3:

U can use GDMtweak to change theme and Icon. see the link

Solution 4:

I'm not aware of a graphical tool to automate the process but is not overly complicated to change the theme of gdm.

Take a look at Gnome-Look GDM, most of the themes there come with good instructions on how to install them.