How do I change my keyboard shortcuts in xubuntu?

Solution 1:

Keyboard shortcuts are tucked away in your Settings Manager - Window Manager - Keyboard

enter image description here

Scroll down the list - you will see several workspace shortcuts, some defined with a shortcut and some awaiting to be defined.

Solution 2:

There are more available in Settings Editor in Settngs Manager, which can be launched from the command-line using:


This will display:

XFCE4 Settings Editor

Solution 3:

For Xfce 4.8 (Xubuntu 12.04 LTS)

Keyboard shortcuts are accessible from Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard -> Application Shortcuts:

enter image description here

  • Choose "Add" to add a command you need to assign to a shortcut.
    enter image description here

  • In the window following "Ok" press the key combination you want to assign:
    enter image description here

Solution 4:

Automate this with xfconf-query

If multiple machines require configuring keyboard shortcuts, this can be done without having to repeatedly open windows. Rather, use the very handy xfconf-query command in a bash script to --set a --property in xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml.

Here is an example:

$ xfconf-query --create --channel xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts --property /commands/custom/XF86AudioMute --type string --set 'amixer -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle'

As a matter of fact, this is part of my solution to restore the function of the mute button in Xubuntu 12.04.