Difficulty Bonuses for AI in Civ:Beyond Earth

If you choose a higher difficulty in Civ:Beyond Earth, the AI gets several bonuses. But I can't see a list of what these bonuses actually are. Ingame, it is simply stated that the AI has some advantages.

I've found lists like this for previous games, but for the new Civ with some new mechanics there are obviously new bonuses. For example I've heard (no source) that AI will start the first city with population 3 instead of having additional settlers. In my games I've also seen player disadvantages not to be as severe as in Civ5. In my game on the lowest difficulty, I had like "+12 Health for Difficulty" and in my game on Apollo difficulty it was something around "+9 Health for Difficulty".

Has somebody already gathered some data?

As mentioned by Deltharis' comment this wiki lists the impact of the difficulty levels. I've found the source for the information.

CivBEHandicapInfos.xml File located in (typically) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth\assets\Gameplay\XML\GameInfo\. There is a (older) version of the file available here.

From my current (Oct 27, 2015) version of the file, I have been working on making the full table, image included below. I have marked differences I noticed from the wiki version in bold. The AI bonuses are in rows 23, 26-47, with your difficulty being a column of B to G. For example, G27 indicates the AI will recieve 1 starting colonist on Apollo.

enter image description here