Javascript - Apply trim function to each string in an array

Want to trim each string in an array, e.g., given

x = [' aa ', ' bb '];


['aa', 'bb']

My first trial is

It got "TypeError: Function.prototype.apply was called on undefined, which is a undefined and not a function" in chromium.

Then I tried { return String.prototype.trim.apply(s); });

It works. What's the difference?

Or this can be solved with arrow functions: => s.trim());

String.prototype.trim.apply is the Function.prototype.apply method without being bound to trim. map will invoke it with the string, the index and the array as arguments and nothing (undefined) for the thisArg - however, apply expects to be called on functions:

var apply = String.prototype.trim.apply;, x[0], 0, x) // TypeError

What you can do is passing the trim function as the context for call:

[' aa ', ' bb '].map(, String.prototype.trim)
// ['aa', 'bb']

What happens here is

var call =,
    trim = String.prototype.trim;, x[0], 0, x) ≡[0], 0, x) ≡
            x[0].trim(0, x); // the arguments don't matter to trim

The simple variant without dependencies:

 for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
     array[i] = array[i].trim()

ES6 variant:

const newArray = => string.trim())

ES6 function variant:

const trimmedArray = array => => string.trim())

If you are using JQuery, then a better way to do this, as it will work with IE8 as well (I need to support IE8) is this:

$.map([' aa ', ' bb ', '   cc '], $.trim);