Is it possible to stream an RTSP feed to an iPhone?

A co-worker of mine wants to stream an RTSP streaming video feed to his iphone so he can tap into his child's daycare center here and there. Any ideas on how to do this?

I'm new to the iOS world, but reasonably experienced with RTSP. From the POV of my iPad, VLC displays our (live) streams perfectly... and for free.

I hate bouncing my iOS users to the "Get VLC to view this content" deal, but it's my least objectionable alternative, for now.

IP Vision is an expensive app. There are several free apps that will stream RTSP on iPhone. I use Aceplayer, but it doesn't seem to be very stable. It may not be the app - I haven't had time to thoroughly test it yet.

There are at least dozen more, so search the app store for RTSP and try out what works for you.